Today from getting further instructions on thuorlghly finding articles for my topic. The topic i was researching was China trade agreements and United States. After picking the correct words for the most optimized results i found two articles from the New York Times from 2000 - 2005
In Bush's Words; 'Join Together in Making China a Normal Trading Partner'
The New York Times. New York Times (1923-Current file). New York, N.Y.:May 18, 2000. p. A14 (1 pp.) and In Bush's Words; 'Join Together in Making China a Normal Trading Partner'
The New York Times. New York Times (1923-Current file). New York, N.Y.:May 18, 2000. p. A14 (1 pp.).
In the first article the New York Times represented the words that the President would like to present to present to the citizen's of the United States.The Times present all the positives to the agreement for all the negatives to the citizens were wooried about. It also place what China's military agendas benifit the Unioted States to further build some trust to other issues.It also goes into the economic benifts to making a trading partnership would increase the deficit dealing with import and exporting United States.
The second article gave the public and insight into the disapprovals and reasoning with not want Senate to pass the bill. From this article i plan to exract and reflect upon what citizens felt from both the United States and from China.This was also tie into trying to give a representation to what China was implemtening to make these trade agreements offical.
Good sources - it *seems* like what these sources are suggesting is that the President and other parts of government are more in favor of this agreement, and that 'the people' were more against it. Is this true? Could you find polls to support it? What were the specific arguments on each side?